4 Steps To Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Self-sabotaging behaviors prevent you from conditioning yourself for success. And changing those long, established behavior patterns like self-sabotage is as difficult as recognizing and understanding them. How, then, can you eliminate sabotaging beliefs and emotions? First, understand and accept yourself before attempting to understand and accept others. You have to take a journey within for…

5 Things to Improve the Quality of Life

Everyone must know and realize the difference between ‘existing’ and ‘living’. When you exist, you merely breathe, eat, drink, sleep and do everything else that your instincts tell you to do. But, when you live, you are actually spending each moment in a qualitative manner. You are giving expression to your creativity, you are producing…

3 Quick Steps Towards Self-Improvement

In life, there are some things that people are always chasing after but never fully achieve them. It is like chasing one’s own shadow. These are the likes of wealth satisfaction and perfect stress-free lives. Achieving them is next to impossible but improving on them is within one’s reach, depending on how determined one is.…

Why Is It So Hard To Gain Wealth in America?

Not too long ago, I read a book about the wealthy and how they think. In fact, the name of the book was called “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker… [That book literally changed my life] and I must say that book is (Ahem!) right on the money. For example, lets take…

I Almost Got A Splinter In My Butt… LOL!
[Welcome to my Blog!]

Well, here it is folks! I have separated myself from the “talkers” and became part of an elite group called the “doers”. Welcome to my Blog…  So there I was, up on the fence for quite some time about starting my own blog. Then I received words of wisdom from my very good friend and…